I love Sundays. Best day of the week in my opinion. And why is that Dudley? Well, it's one whole day where I get to clear my head and ponder what I really value in life. Today I was studying my favourite book. I'm up to the part where Alma and his people are in bondage to the Lamanites. Despite being treated like slaves with absolutely no way of escaping, they trust that God will keep his promise to free them. Their patience reminded me that the Lord always answers our prayers, even if it takes longer than we expect. And while we wait he eases our burdens so that we can endure our challenges with faith and hope (Mosiah 24). I love it how the scriptures always tell me exactly what I need to hear. I so needed a reminder to be patient this week (and always really).
Anyhow if you can't be bothered with my ramblings watch this video. It's pretty great.
Like this guy, I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, written by ancient prophets to help us in our day. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. It supports doctrines and clarifies ambiguities in the Bible. It contains everything we need to find peace and true joy in this life, and eternal life with our families. I've come to know that it is true through answers to sincere prayers. I know it in my mind and heart and I cannot deny it. It contains absolute truths that help me to live a better life and have confidence in the future. Basically, if I could recommend one book in the world to anyone it would be this book. Life-changing.
Anyhow if you can't be bothered with my ramblings watch this video. It's pretty great.
Like this guy, I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, written by ancient prophets to help us in our day. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. It supports doctrines and clarifies ambiguities in the Bible. It contains everything we need to find peace and true joy in this life, and eternal life with our families. I've come to know that it is true through answers to sincere prayers. I know it in my mind and heart and I cannot deny it. It contains absolute truths that help me to live a better life and have confidence in the future. Basically, if I could recommend one book in the world to anyone it would be this book. Life-changing.